

Service Request

If you have an emergency call 911

 Stay connected with the city on your mobile device with SeeClickFix, the official app of the City of Buckley, Washington. Report graffiti, abandoned vehicles, potholes, etc. 


Simply go to your favorite app store and download. 

 App image



The online citizen reporting service is provided by the City of Buckley for your convenience and as part of the City's goal to serve you better. However, using the online citizen reporting service does not guarantee an immediate response. We have staff available, and we take your request seriously, in order of both priority and time/date received.

Requests received online will be treated in the same manner as other requests and will be prioritized in the order of immediacy.

The City's goal is to better serve you. If your concern hasn't been resolved within a few days, please call us at 360-829-1921 or email Please note that some concerns may take more time to resolve as we research the request.

Regular work hours are Monday through Thursday, 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM, excluding recognized City holidays.

This disclaimer is exclusive and in lieu of any warranties whether expressed or implied. By continuing with this program, you are acknowledging agreement to the above limitations. If you have any questions or if you do not agree, please do not proceed with this program, but (instead) call 911.