Planning Commission

The next Planning Commission meeting will be Monday, February 10, 2025, at 7:00 PM. To view the complete agenda packet, please click here.


The Planning Commission is a group of citizen volunteers. Its tasks are to create, amend, and follow the comprehensive plan. In close relation, its tasks also include creating and amending development regulations.

The Planning Commission is the hearing body for all comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments. Rezones, comprehensive plan amendments, and proposed changes to the development regulations all require hearings before the Planning Commission.

For Planning Commission Public Hearing Notices and other related Notices please see the City's Public Notice Page.

For Planning Commission Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Audio please see the Planning Commission Meetings & Documents Page.

More information can be found in the City's Municipal Code. Please see Buckley Municipal Code
(BMC) 2.33 Planning Commission.