Latest News & Upcoming Events

Upcoming City Council Meeting - January 14, 2025

The next City Council meeting is scheduled for January 14, 2025, at 6:00 PM.  The meeting will be held at the Multi-Purpose Center (811 Main Street).  There will also be a Zoom option available for those that would like to listen to the meeting live but do not want to attend in person.  We have switched over from Zoom meetings to Zoom webinars so please note that you will now need the passcode to get on through Zoom.

To use the Zoom option, please use the following information:

Call-in Number: 253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 833 6659 7529

Passcode: 863441

Here is the Zoom link to the meeting:
Invite Link
Invite Link

To view the complete City Council agenda packet, please click here.

The meeting will also be livestreaming on the City of Buckley YouTube channel at @cityofbuckley.

NEWS RELEASE: Buckley Launches New Emergency Alert System!


November 9, 2022

 Buckley Launches New Emergency Alert System

Buckley, WA – The city of Buckley is excited to announce the launch of its new emergency alert system.  Called “Buckley Alert,” this new system will help the City communicate with the public during emergency events. To sign up for Buckley Alert, please click here.
Buckley Alert is an emergency alert software that includes text, phone, and email notifications for the mass dissemination of critical messages.  Using the new software, the City of Buckley can send life safety information quickly and efficiently to residents via voice and text alerts.  To receive alerts, residents will need to opt-in by signing up on the City’s website.  Once enrolled, residents can control how they would like to be alerted, either via text, phone, or email.
In addition, Buckley Alert can send messages via reverse 911. For emergency conditions that pose an immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community, Buckley Alert will be an effective tool for reaching audiences that are traditionally difficult to contact.
City Fire Chief Eric Skogen explains why community members should sign up for Buckley Alert.  “We live in a unique area in East Pierce County, with unique challenges regarding emergencies.  This new alert system is intended to localize how we communicate to our residents.  Whether it’s a major street closure, weather alert, or a lahar, this system will deliver critical safety information to our residents quickly.”
Buckley Alert will primarily be used for emergencies, which involve incidents where life safety is at risk.  But the alert system will also be used sparingly for specific non-emergency situations.  Police Chief Alfano elaborates.
“If we have a missing person notification that needs to get out to the public, this is the perfect tool to communicate that message,” says Alfano.  “Or, if we have a major vehicle accident that requires our officers to reroute traffic, we can get the word out via this system.  I see this as an opportunity to enhance our communications so that the public is well-informed.  That’s why I encourage all our residents to sign up.
Buckley Alert is a separate emergency alert system from PC Alert, which is operated by Pierce County.  The City encourages residents to enroll in both systems, ensuring that emergency information is disseminated throughout the region.  To learn more about PC Alert, please go to Pierce County’s website here.
Once enrolled, residents can choose how they want to receive alerts from the City.  To learn more and sign up for Buckley Alert, please go the City’s website here.  For questions about the Buckley Alerts System, please contact Eric Skogen at