City Administrator

Functions & Responsibilities

Under the general direction and authority of the Mayor, the City Administrator acts as the city's chief administrative officer (CAO) for day-to-day operations. The City Administrator supervises, administers, and coordinates the activities and functions of all city officers, departments, commissions, and boards to implement city ordinances and policies through the effective use of city employees, funds, grants, materials, facilities and time, and shall manage the overall operations of the city to assure optimum service to the community. Additional duties of the City Administrator include: 
  • Monitoring the city’s financial condition and fully advising the Mayor and City Council on the financial condition of the city and its future needs.
  • Overseeing personnel functions and contract negotiations in conjunction with Mayor.
  • Overseeing the preparation of the agenda for City Council meetings.
  • Overseeing the preparation of the city’s annual operating budget.
  • Overseeing the expenditures and purchasing of the various city offices, departments, commissions, and boards, for the purpose of keeping the same within the limitations of the annual budget for the city.
  • Overseeing the city’s intergovernmental relations.
  • Providing for citizen awareness of city goals and operations.
  • Providing a primary interface with City Council and city staff.
  • Recommending committee and commission appointments to the mayor.
  • Investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the city and see that all franchises and permits granted by the city are faithfully observed.
  • Developing and maintaining a current capital improvements program based on long-range plans and policies developed by the city.



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